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VMWare view on Steam Deck

Using distrobox we are able to install VMware horizon client on the Steam Deck, without it breaking on image updates. Surprisingly, I found using a Arch container image to be the smoothest option. This will also work on Fedora Atomic Desktop.

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VMware Horizon Client on Wayland

Sometimes the field to input username and password on Vmware horizon client on Wayland is not visible. This is a known issue and the workaround is to use Xorg instead of Wayland. But I do not want to use Xorg, just to make this one appliaction work. So I found a workaround. Basically you need to set the username, password, rsa token and server address in the cli. Here is an example:

vmware-view -s <serveraddress> -t <username> -p <password> -n <desktopName> --singleAutoConnect -c <RSA token>

This is not a perfect solution, because it is a bit clunky.

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